Curbar School aims to work in partnership with parents, the community and the local authority. Because we believe that school life should be enjoyable and learning should be fun it is our aim that each child will be happy and motivated, will have positive feelings about themselves and their school and will look back with great fondness upon their time at Curbar.  In order to achieve this we will:


  • Provide an environment that will enable the children to increase their skills, knowledge and understanding through the experience of a range of curriculum disciplines.
  • Provide a variety of opportunities which will contribute to the development of a wide variety of skills: intellectual, physical and interpersonal.
  • Develop personal qualities that will enable the children to contribute to the community and to wider society. To engender respect and tolerance of others and create an environment supporting the concept of equality and opportunity for all.
  • If a child has special needs related to physical, sensory or learning difficulty the governors have developed a Special Educational Needs policy.   Parents are involved in securing appropriate help for their child.
  • Nurture, confidence, self-discipline and a sense of responsibility in children in order to enable them ultimately to be active citizens.
  • Create an environment that will recognise and celebrate achievement by all children.
  • Develop in children inquisitive and enquiring minds that are open to learning and are resourceful and positive in the application of skills and knowledge.
  • Nurture a sense of spiritual, moral, social and cultural values to enable children to appreciate human achievements and make reasoned choices.
  • Provide an atmosphere conducive to developing achievement and success.
  • Expect all staff and volunteers to be committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.